Tuesday 27 August 2013

raw vegan pizza

A few years back I had my first raw pizza experience in downtown Vancouver BC...
I was really not sure what to expect when I ordered it... What came was a surprisingly tasty crust made with carrots, flaxseeds,  sunflower seeds and buckwheat! (dehydrated)
Topped with an array of organic veggies and a nut 'cheez', I was amazed at how well the flavours and textures just worked. (and how awesome and energised I felt after eating it!)

Raw pizza is now a staple on my stall and is still one of my favourite ways to get my greens!

Play around with this basic recipe to make your own raw pizza crust at home...
Then the addition of  fresh organic toppings is the key to an amazing raw vegan pizza!

Raw Pizza Crust
1 cup Buckwheat 
1 cup Sunflower seeds
1/2 cup Linseeds
1 Carrot
1 Tbsp Italian herbs
1 tsp Himalayan salt

Soak the buckwheat and sunflower seeds for 4 - 6 hours, drain and rinse well.
Process until sticky with italian herbs and salt. (food processor + S blade)
Grate carrot and grind linseeds (coffee grinder) to a fine powder, then add to mix.
Using your hands mix combine all ingredients and shape your base on a solid dehydrator sheet.
dehydrate at 42c for about 8 hours then flip onto a mesh dehydrator sheet.
Continue to dehydrate until completely dry.

You could add any flavours to the crust... like olives... or fresh herbs!
If  it seems to wet just add more ground linseeds to bind the mix together.